'Sanaatana Numerology' is the sixth chapter of the book "Sanaatana Astrology" written by me Astrologer Raaghavendra Kashyapa. It's God's grace and people's luck that it is getting published on the internet seeking well of the humankind-
6.1 How to get the Moola digit of any number:
Round Moola Digits And Their Numbers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1st 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2nd 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
3rd 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
4th 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
5th 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
6th 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
7th 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
8th 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
9th 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
10th 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
11th 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
12th 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
13th 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117
There is no limit of consecutive rounds as well as of consecutive numbers. The numbers keep going on after 117 also like 118, 119, 120, and so on, and the round numbers after 13th also like 14th, 15th, 16th, and so on to infinity. But all these infinite numbers of rounds and the numbers can be categorized into 9 categories. Every category has a single digit number, called as the Moola digit, which inheres in each number of the respective category. For example-
1 = 1
10 ? 1+0 = 1
19 ? 1+9 = 10 ? 1+0 = 1
28 ? 2+8 = 10 ? 1+0 = 1
37 ?3+7 = 10 ? 1+0 = 1
100 ? 1+0+0 = 1
262 ?2+6+2 = 10 ? 1+0 = 1, and so on.
These are some examples from the numbers of the Moola digit 1 which are similar to each other in regard to their inherent Moola digit.
When we continue to add all the digits of a number until there is only one digit is left, that one digit is Moola digit that represents the infinite number of all the numbers of the respective category. Again some examples:
11 ? 1+1 = 2 is the Moola digit.
263 ? 2+6+3= 11 ?1+1= 2 is the Moola digit.
979?9+7+9 = 25 ? 2+5 = 7 is the Moola digit.
104 ? 1+0+4= 5 is the Moola digit.
6.2 Moola digit of the Numbers in decimal
If the number is in decimal, we would not consider the decimal for getting the Moola digit. Like, 102.6?1+0+2+6 = 9 is the Moola digit. For 91.1 ? 9+1+1= 11?1+1= 2 is the moola digit of 91.1
Its round number would be the same what comes for the number without decimal.
6.3 Lord planet of every Moola digit
Nakshatra lords are the lords of the Moola digits too. Moon about a day’s period spends in a nakshatra. In the beginning of the creation of the universe when the planets had started moving on the zodiac, Moon spent first day’s period in Ashwinee nakshatra, therefore the Moola digit 1 is associated with Ashwinee nakshatra and its lord Ketu. In the same way, Moon spent the second day in Bharanee nakshatra, therefore the Moola digit 2 is associated with Bharanee nakshatra and its lord Venus. Thereafter Moon had its third day in Krittikaa nakshatra, therefore the Moola digit 3 is associated with Krittikaa nakshatra and its lord Sun, and so on.
Nakshatra Moola Digit Lord Planet
1st , 10th , 19th 1 Ketu
2nd , 11th , 20th 2 Venus
3rd , 12th , 21st 3 Sun
4th , 13th , 22nd 4 Moon
5th , 14th , 23rd 5 Mars
6th , 15th , 24th 6 Raahu
7th , 16th , 25th 7 Jupiter
8th , 17th , 26th 8 Saturn
9th , 18th , 27th 9 Mercury
Here the lord planets are meant for the lordship over the nakshatras and the moola digits both. Planets have 3 rounds of lordship over the nakshatras, 3 nakshatras for each planet. This lordship is for the purpose of Dashaa period only, as actual lordship over the zodiac is allotted by raashi-lordship.
6.4 How to determine the lagna raashi of an individual number :
Whenever a planet produces its effects through its two raashis, there comes its main raashi first, and the secondary raashi thereafter.* Here also, of the infinite rounds of numbers, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, etc odd* rounds represent the main raashi of the respective planet. Whereas 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, etc even rounds represent the secondary raashi of the respective planet.
You have already learnt that out of the two raashis of a planet, Mesha, Mithuna,
Tulaa, Dhanush, and Makara are the main raashis whereas Vrisha, Kanyaa, Vrishchika, Kumbha, and Meena are the secondary raashis of their respective planets. So, we see two sections of the moola digits 2, 5, 7, 8, and 9 as follows-
All of us know that the odd digits are 1,3,5,7, and 9,
whereas, the even digits are 2,4,6, and 8.
6.4.1 Moola Digit – 2 (Venus)
Tulaa (Main Raashi) – 2, 20, 38, 56, 74, 92, ….... all numbers of the odd rounds of the moola digit 2 belong to the Tulaa lagna raashi.
Vrisha (Secondary Raashi) – 11, 29, 47, 65, 83, etc all numbers of the even rounds of the moola digit 2 belong to the Vrisha lagna raashi.
Again, for ease, all numbers of the moola digit 2 having 0 or some even digit as the last digit belong to the Tulaa lagna raashi. Like, 2, 20, 38, 650, 11 lacs, etc
And, all numbers of the moola digit 2 having some odd digit as the last digit belong to the Vrisha lagna raashi. Like, 11, 29, 65, etc
6.4.2 Moola Digit – 5 (Mars)
Mesha (Main Raashi) – 5, 23, 41, 59, 77, 95, ………. all numbers of the odd rounds of the moola digit 5 belong to the Mesha lagna raashi.
Vrishchika (Secondary Raashi) - 14, 32, 50, 68, 86, ……… all numbers of the even rounds of the moola digit 5 belong to the Vrishchika lagna raashi.
Again, for ease, all numbers of the moola digit 5 having 0 or some even digit as the last digit belong to the Vrishchika lagna raashi. Like, 14, 32, 68, 950, 5 lacs, etc.
And, all numbers of the moola digit 5 having some odd digit as the last digit belong to the Mesha lagna raashi. Like, 5, 23, 41, etc.
6.4.3 Moola Digit – 7 (Jupiter)
Dhanush (Main Raashi) – 7, 25, 43, 61, 79, 97, ……… all numbers of the odd rounds of the moola digit 7 belong to the Dhanush lagna raashi.
Meena (Secondary Raashi) – 16, 34, 52, 70, 88, ………. all numbers of even rounds of the moola digit 7 belong to the Meena lagna raashi.
Again, for ease, all numbers of the moola digit 7 having 0 or some even digit as the last digit belong to the Meena lagna raashi. Like, 16, 34, 52, 250, 7 lacs, etc
And, all numbers of the moola digit 7 having some odd digit as the last digit belong to the Dhanush lagna raashi. Like, 7, 25, 43, etc.
6.4.4 Moola Digit – 8 (Saturn)
Makara (Main Raashi) – 8, 26, 44, 62, 80, 98, …….. all numbers of odd rounds of the moola digit 8 belong to the Makara lagna raashi.
Kumbha (Secondary Raashi) – 17, 35, 53, 71, 89, …….. all numbers of even rounds of the moola digit 8 belong to the Kumbha lagna raashi.
Again, for ease, all numbers of the moola digit 8 having 0 or some even digit as the last digit belong to the Makara lagna raashi. Like, 8, 26, 62, 260, 17 lacs, etc.
And, all numbers of the moola digit 8 having some odd digit as the last digit belong to the Kumbhha lagna raashi. Like, 17,35, 53, etc
6.4.5 Moola Digit – 9 (Mercury)
Mithuna (Main Raashi) – 9, 27, 45, 63, 81, ……… all numbers of the odd rounds of the moola digit 9 belong to the Mithuna lagna raashi.
Kanyaa (Secondary Raashi) – 18, 36, 54, 72, 90, ……… all numbers of the even rounds of the moola digit 9 belong to the Kanyaa lagna raashi.
Again, for ease, all numbers of the moola digit 9 having 0 or some even digit as the last digit belong to the Kanyaa lagna raashi. Like, 18, 36, 54, 270, 9 lacs, etc.
And, all numbers of the moola digit 9 having some odd digit as the last digit belong to the Mithuna lagna raashi. Like, 9, 27, 45, etc
As regards moola digits 3 and 4, they belong to only one raashi each- Sinha, and Karka respectively, and the moola digits 1 and 6 belong to no raashi but one planet each- Ketu, and Raahu respectively. Therefore there is no such classification of two lagna raashis for these four numbers. However, what seems prima facie, as regards moola digits 1, 4, and 6, their odd rounds are in favour of even/ female lagna raashis, and their even rounds are in favour of odd/ male lagna raashis.
So far we learned that though all numbers of a moola digit belong to the same planet, they all don’t have the same effect, as they are divided into two different lagna raashis. But again-
6.5 Minister lagna raashi
Though all numbers of a lagna raashi belong to that particular raashi only, they all don’t have completely the same effect but have with some difference. Count consecutively the moola digit round number of some number from the first round, irrespective of odd and even rounds. This round number has also such lagna raashi effect to a lesser degree within the effect of that moola digit’s lagna raashi. E.g., take help of sec. 5.1 -
The number 34 belongs to the moola digit 7 whose lord is Jupiter, and its round number is 4. As 4 is an even number, 34 belongs to Meena raashi. The number 4 belongs to Moon and Karka raashi . Thus the number 34 has the lordship of Meena lagna raashi, and Karka raashi is its minister.
Second example- The number 263 belongs to the moola digit 2, and its round
number is 30. As the round number is an even number, 263 belongs to Vrisha lagna raashi. 30 belongs to Sun and Sinha lagna raashi. So, Vrisha is the lord, and Sinha is the minister of the number 263.
6.6 How to count the round number –
To know the round number of a number, first divide the number by 9. If there is no remainder the quotient is the round number, but if there exists the remainder then the number next to the quotient is the round number.
E.g., take the number 911. Now, 911 / 9 = 101 is the quotient with 2 its remainder. So, the number next to 101 i.e. 102 is the round number. 102 belongs to the Sinha raashi which is the minister lagna raashi of 911.
Second example - the number 1161. Now, 1161 / 9 = 129 is the quotient with no remainder. So, 129 is the round number.
6.7 To determine the Moola digit of complex numbers:
6.7.1 Example 1 – R - 3 / 11 is a house number. Count A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on. So, R=18. Actually A or B etc don’t have any astrological effects but as in a sequence they are arranged for ever, so they can represent the respective number in the sequence. So, for numerological purpose we can write this number as 18 – 3 / 11 also. Here 18 belongs to Kanya lagna raashi, 3 to Sinha , and 11 to Vrisha. Imagine Kanyaa is the country, Sinha is a state within the country, and Vrisha is a town within that state. The last section only makes the moola digit and lagna raashi of a house, company etc, but the effects of the preceding sections inhere in it. So, this house belongs to Vrisha lagna raashi with keeping the effects of Sinha and Kanyaa lagna raashis too. It means every Vrisha lagna raashi, or any last section’s raashi, has not the same effects if their preceding lagna raashis are different.
6.7.2 Second Example - Writing style also matters in determining the moola digit. There is a complex number 14 / 2A / 4F. Here the last section is 4F wherein F is not separated from 4, therefore 4 and F both will be counted as a single number with converting F into 6, that is 4F = 46. Thus the number belongs to the moola digit 1.
But if the last section or any number is written in this form 4 – F, or 4 / F, then both are not a single number but F only is the last section. So, the moola digit would be F = 6.
For determining moola digit of these types of complex numbers, the number must be registered in the same form with some competent authority.
6.7.3 Third Example - In case of account numbers you will have to add up all the digits, because account numbers are given by the head office of the bank to a particular branch in a sequence. Like, 788-3-567824-8 is counted 66 by way of addition which belongs to the moola digit 3 and Sinha raashi.
In some different cases you should use your own brain in determining the moola digit.
6.7.4 Fourth Example - In case of telephone numbers the minimum required number through which you can phone somebody makes the moola digit. So, it does not include STD or ISD etc codes when you have dialed without any code. Like, 9810647396, 22009876 etc.
6.7.5 Fifth Example – Suppose someone decides to invest Rs 65 lacs on his/her new project thinking the amount a Vrisha lagna number. Is he right to think Rs 65 lacs a Vrisha lagna number! No, because Rs 65 lacs means Rs 65,000,00, a number of the moola digit 2 that ends with the digit 0 that confirms the number belongs to the Tulaa lagna raashi.
6.7.6 Sixth Example – 91.1 would be considered as 911, but 91.0 would not be considered as 910 but 91 only.
When a sculptor creates some statue, the statue is the creation of the sculptor’s mind completely, as he could structure it in this way or that way or in whatever way he wished. Therefore the statue is credited to the sculptor solely. Cheiro also structured his numerology accordingly his wishes and imagination, and therefore his numerology was credited to him rightfully, and got the name after him as Cheiro numerology.
But as regards the Sanaatana Numerology it is not the same. Sanaatana numerology is not my mind’s creation. It is a truth remaining from the eternal time, now has got revealed to me by God’s grace. So it can’t solely be credited to me, and therefore can’t be named after me. Eternal truths must be appeared in the same form and with the same name. That I did.
One more thing I would like to add now, that what number, lagna, or day, etc proves inauspicious for you, is not meant for being inauspicious for others too. A dazzling instance in this regard is the number 13. This number belongs to Moon. It is possible that Moon might have been very inauspicious for someone, he or she came across the number 13 so many times in life and met misfortune there. Others also realized that the number 13 was really very inauspicious for the person, and got terrified thinking the number 13 inauspicious for everyone. Don’t do so.
6.1 How to get the Moola digit of any number:
Round Moola Digits And Their Numbers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1st 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2nd 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
3rd 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
4th 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
5th 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
6th 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
7th 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
8th 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
9th 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
10th 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
11th 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
12th 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
13th 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117
There is no limit of consecutive rounds as well as of consecutive numbers. The numbers keep going on after 117 also like 118, 119, 120, and so on, and the round numbers after 13th also like 14th, 15th, 16th, and so on to infinity. But all these infinite numbers of rounds and the numbers can be categorized into 9 categories. Every category has a single digit number, called as the Moola digit, which inheres in each number of the respective category. For example-
1 = 1
10 ? 1+0 = 1
19 ? 1+9 = 10 ? 1+0 = 1
28 ? 2+8 = 10 ? 1+0 = 1
37 ?3+7 = 10 ? 1+0 = 1
100 ? 1+0+0 = 1
262 ?2+6+2 = 10 ? 1+0 = 1, and so on.
These are some examples from the numbers of the Moola digit 1 which are similar to each other in regard to their inherent Moola digit.
When we continue to add all the digits of a number until there is only one digit is left, that one digit is Moola digit that represents the infinite number of all the numbers of the respective category. Again some examples:
11 ? 1+1 = 2 is the Moola digit.
263 ? 2+6+3= 11 ?1+1= 2 is the Moola digit.
979?9+7+9 = 25 ? 2+5 = 7 is the Moola digit.
104 ? 1+0+4= 5 is the Moola digit.
6.2 Moola digit of the Numbers in decimal
If the number is in decimal, we would not consider the decimal for getting the Moola digit. Like, 102.6?1+0+2+6 = 9 is the Moola digit. For 91.1 ? 9+1+1= 11?1+1= 2 is the moola digit of 91.1
Its round number would be the same what comes for the number without decimal.
6.3 Lord planet of every Moola digit
Nakshatra lords are the lords of the Moola digits too. Moon about a day’s period spends in a nakshatra. In the beginning of the creation of the universe when the planets had started moving on the zodiac, Moon spent first day’s period in Ashwinee nakshatra, therefore the Moola digit 1 is associated with Ashwinee nakshatra and its lord Ketu. In the same way, Moon spent the second day in Bharanee nakshatra, therefore the Moola digit 2 is associated with Bharanee nakshatra and its lord Venus. Thereafter Moon had its third day in Krittikaa nakshatra, therefore the Moola digit 3 is associated with Krittikaa nakshatra and its lord Sun, and so on.
Nakshatra Moola Digit Lord Planet
1st , 10th , 19th 1 Ketu
2nd , 11th , 20th 2 Venus
3rd , 12th , 21st 3 Sun
4th , 13th , 22nd 4 Moon
5th , 14th , 23rd 5 Mars
6th , 15th , 24th 6 Raahu
7th , 16th , 25th 7 Jupiter
8th , 17th , 26th 8 Saturn
9th , 18th , 27th 9 Mercury
Here the lord planets are meant for the lordship over the nakshatras and the moola digits both. Planets have 3 rounds of lordship over the nakshatras, 3 nakshatras for each planet. This lordship is for the purpose of Dashaa period only, as actual lordship over the zodiac is allotted by raashi-lordship.
6.4 How to determine the lagna raashi of an individual number :
Whenever a planet produces its effects through its two raashis, there comes its main raashi first, and the secondary raashi thereafter.* Here also, of the infinite rounds of numbers, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, etc odd* rounds represent the main raashi of the respective planet. Whereas 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, etc even rounds represent the secondary raashi of the respective planet.
You have already learnt that out of the two raashis of a planet, Mesha, Mithuna,
Tulaa, Dhanush, and Makara are the main raashis whereas Vrisha, Kanyaa, Vrishchika, Kumbha, and Meena are the secondary raashis of their respective planets. So, we see two sections of the moola digits 2, 5, 7, 8, and 9 as follows-
All of us know that the odd digits are 1,3,5,7, and 9,
whereas, the even digits are 2,4,6, and 8.
6.4.1 Moola Digit – 2 (Venus)
Tulaa (Main Raashi) – 2, 20, 38, 56, 74, 92, ….... all numbers of the odd rounds of the moola digit 2 belong to the Tulaa lagna raashi.
Vrisha (Secondary Raashi) – 11, 29, 47, 65, 83, etc all numbers of the even rounds of the moola digit 2 belong to the Vrisha lagna raashi.
Again, for ease, all numbers of the moola digit 2 having 0 or some even digit as the last digit belong to the Tulaa lagna raashi. Like, 2, 20, 38, 650, 11 lacs, etc
And, all numbers of the moola digit 2 having some odd digit as the last digit belong to the Vrisha lagna raashi. Like, 11, 29, 65, etc
6.4.2 Moola Digit – 5 (Mars)
Mesha (Main Raashi) – 5, 23, 41, 59, 77, 95, ………. all numbers of the odd rounds of the moola digit 5 belong to the Mesha lagna raashi.
Vrishchika (Secondary Raashi) - 14, 32, 50, 68, 86, ……… all numbers of the even rounds of the moola digit 5 belong to the Vrishchika lagna raashi.
Again, for ease, all numbers of the moola digit 5 having 0 or some even digit as the last digit belong to the Vrishchika lagna raashi. Like, 14, 32, 68, 950, 5 lacs, etc.
And, all numbers of the moola digit 5 having some odd digit as the last digit belong to the Mesha lagna raashi. Like, 5, 23, 41, etc.
6.4.3 Moola Digit – 7 (Jupiter)
Dhanush (Main Raashi) – 7, 25, 43, 61, 79, 97, ……… all numbers of the odd rounds of the moola digit 7 belong to the Dhanush lagna raashi.
Meena (Secondary Raashi) – 16, 34, 52, 70, 88, ………. all numbers of even rounds of the moola digit 7 belong to the Meena lagna raashi.
Again, for ease, all numbers of the moola digit 7 having 0 or some even digit as the last digit belong to the Meena lagna raashi. Like, 16, 34, 52, 250, 7 lacs, etc
And, all numbers of the moola digit 7 having some odd digit as the last digit belong to the Dhanush lagna raashi. Like, 7, 25, 43, etc.
6.4.4 Moola Digit – 8 (Saturn)
Makara (Main Raashi) – 8, 26, 44, 62, 80, 98, …….. all numbers of odd rounds of the moola digit 8 belong to the Makara lagna raashi.
Kumbha (Secondary Raashi) – 17, 35, 53, 71, 89, …….. all numbers of even rounds of the moola digit 8 belong to the Kumbha lagna raashi.
Again, for ease, all numbers of the moola digit 8 having 0 or some even digit as the last digit belong to the Makara lagna raashi. Like, 8, 26, 62, 260, 17 lacs, etc.
And, all numbers of the moola digit 8 having some odd digit as the last digit belong to the Kumbhha lagna raashi. Like, 17,35, 53, etc
6.4.5 Moola Digit – 9 (Mercury)
Mithuna (Main Raashi) – 9, 27, 45, 63, 81, ……… all numbers of the odd rounds of the moola digit 9 belong to the Mithuna lagna raashi.
Kanyaa (Secondary Raashi) – 18, 36, 54, 72, 90, ……… all numbers of the even rounds of the moola digit 9 belong to the Kanyaa lagna raashi.
Again, for ease, all numbers of the moola digit 9 having 0 or some even digit as the last digit belong to the Kanyaa lagna raashi. Like, 18, 36, 54, 270, 9 lacs, etc.
And, all numbers of the moola digit 9 having some odd digit as the last digit belong to the Mithuna lagna raashi. Like, 9, 27, 45, etc
As regards moola digits 3 and 4, they belong to only one raashi each- Sinha, and Karka respectively, and the moola digits 1 and 6 belong to no raashi but one planet each- Ketu, and Raahu respectively. Therefore there is no such classification of two lagna raashis for these four numbers. However, what seems prima facie, as regards moola digits 1, 4, and 6, their odd rounds are in favour of even/ female lagna raashis, and their even rounds are in favour of odd/ male lagna raashis.
So far we learned that though all numbers of a moola digit belong to the same planet, they all don’t have the same effect, as they are divided into two different lagna raashis. But again-
6.5 Minister lagna raashi
Though all numbers of a lagna raashi belong to that particular raashi only, they all don’t have completely the same effect but have with some difference. Count consecutively the moola digit round number of some number from the first round, irrespective of odd and even rounds. This round number has also such lagna raashi effect to a lesser degree within the effect of that moola digit’s lagna raashi. E.g., take help of sec. 5.1 -
The number 34 belongs to the moola digit 7 whose lord is Jupiter, and its round number is 4. As 4 is an even number, 34 belongs to Meena raashi. The number 4 belongs to Moon and Karka raashi . Thus the number 34 has the lordship of Meena lagna raashi, and Karka raashi is its minister.
Second example- The number 263 belongs to the moola digit 2, and its round
number is 30. As the round number is an even number, 263 belongs to Vrisha lagna raashi. 30 belongs to Sun and Sinha lagna raashi. So, Vrisha is the lord, and Sinha is the minister of the number 263.
6.6 How to count the round number –
To know the round number of a number, first divide the number by 9. If there is no remainder the quotient is the round number, but if there exists the remainder then the number next to the quotient is the round number.
E.g., take the number 911. Now, 911 / 9 = 101 is the quotient with 2 its remainder. So, the number next to 101 i.e. 102 is the round number. 102 belongs to the Sinha raashi which is the minister lagna raashi of 911.
Second example - the number 1161. Now, 1161 / 9 = 129 is the quotient with no remainder. So, 129 is the round number.
6.7 To determine the Moola digit of complex numbers:
6.7.1 Example 1 – R - 3 / 11 is a house number. Count A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on. So, R=18. Actually A or B etc don’t have any astrological effects but as in a sequence they are arranged for ever, so they can represent the respective number in the sequence. So, for numerological purpose we can write this number as 18 – 3 / 11 also. Here 18 belongs to Kanya lagna raashi, 3 to Sinha , and 11 to Vrisha. Imagine Kanyaa is the country, Sinha is a state within the country, and Vrisha is a town within that state. The last section only makes the moola digit and lagna raashi of a house, company etc, but the effects of the preceding sections inhere in it. So, this house belongs to Vrisha lagna raashi with keeping the effects of Sinha and Kanyaa lagna raashis too. It means every Vrisha lagna raashi, or any last section’s raashi, has not the same effects if their preceding lagna raashis are different.
6.7.2 Second Example - Writing style also matters in determining the moola digit. There is a complex number 14 / 2A / 4F. Here the last section is 4F wherein F is not separated from 4, therefore 4 and F both will be counted as a single number with converting F into 6, that is 4F = 46. Thus the number belongs to the moola digit 1.
But if the last section or any number is written in this form 4 – F, or 4 / F, then both are not a single number but F only is the last section. So, the moola digit would be F = 6.
For determining moola digit of these types of complex numbers, the number must be registered in the same form with some competent authority.
6.7.3 Third Example - In case of account numbers you will have to add up all the digits, because account numbers are given by the head office of the bank to a particular branch in a sequence. Like, 788-3-567824-8 is counted 66 by way of addition which belongs to the moola digit 3 and Sinha raashi.
In some different cases you should use your own brain in determining the moola digit.
6.7.4 Fourth Example - In case of telephone numbers the minimum required number through which you can phone somebody makes the moola digit. So, it does not include STD or ISD etc codes when you have dialed without any code. Like, 9810647396, 22009876 etc.
6.7.5 Fifth Example – Suppose someone decides to invest Rs 65 lacs on his/her new project thinking the amount a Vrisha lagna number. Is he right to think Rs 65 lacs a Vrisha lagna number! No, because Rs 65 lacs means Rs 65,000,00, a number of the moola digit 2 that ends with the digit 0 that confirms the number belongs to the Tulaa lagna raashi.
6.7.6 Sixth Example – 91.1 would be considered as 911, but 91.0 would not be considered as 910 but 91 only.
When a sculptor creates some statue, the statue is the creation of the sculptor’s mind completely, as he could structure it in this way or that way or in whatever way he wished. Therefore the statue is credited to the sculptor solely. Cheiro also structured his numerology accordingly his wishes and imagination, and therefore his numerology was credited to him rightfully, and got the name after him as Cheiro numerology.
But as regards the Sanaatana Numerology it is not the same. Sanaatana numerology is not my mind’s creation. It is a truth remaining from the eternal time, now has got revealed to me by God’s grace. So it can’t solely be credited to me, and therefore can’t be named after me. Eternal truths must be appeared in the same form and with the same name. That I did.
One more thing I would like to add now, that what number, lagna, or day, etc proves inauspicious for you, is not meant for being inauspicious for others too. A dazzling instance in this regard is the number 13. This number belongs to Moon. It is possible that Moon might have been very inauspicious for someone, he or she came across the number 13 so many times in life and met misfortune there. Others also realized that the number 13 was really very inauspicious for the person, and got terrified thinking the number 13 inauspicious for everyone. Don’t do so.
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